How to Sell Books on Amazon: A Guide for Authors and Publishers 20 Apr, 2024 5:49 am
how to sell books on Amazon?

Are you also wondering how to sell books on Amazon? If yes, then you are at the right place! 

Hey there, Future Famous Authors, 
Got done with writing your own literary masterpiece? Welcome to the thrilling world of selling your own books in the market as an author! It’s time to share your amazing tales with the world, all while earning some credits in this fun filled process. 

Think of it as, you are one of us who has examined some certain patterns of your life that match most of the people existing in our world because for a fact “Uniqueness is common and that’s what makes it rare in its own different kind”. Since you have got the mantras to the common problems faced by people, now you can curate a book based on the problems and their solutions. Now, you have perfectly curated a self-help book to publish. But then you might think, what is the need to publish my book when I can keep it sacred for myself and limited people? 

Well, let me convince you through 3 simple counterparts on this thought:

  1. Spreading your knowledge will not just increase your intellect but will help thousands of people to have a better living. 
  2. Earning through your one time hard worked original piece would be a great source of income.
  3. Getting recognition for your uniqueness would be a cherry on top.

So, are you still in the same dilemma of keeping your masterpiece only with you or are you ready to publish it? 

If ready to publish then let’s move forward with the

Easy steps on how to sell books on Amazon:

In order to sell books on Amazon kindle or simply on Amazon you need to complete some basic steps. There has been a lot of confusion regarding becoming a bookseller on Amazon, but we have simplified those vague complexities for you and broken down this process in 4 easy steps. The steps are as follows: 

Step 1:

Register as an Seller:

To sell books on Amazon as an author you need to register yourself as an Amazon seller. To register yourself as an Amazon seller you need to go through a certain identity verification process. The Identity verification process includes the submission of your government linked I’d proofs. 

The required documents are as follows:

  1. Your GST Information
  2. Your PAN Information
  3. Your Active bank account details for payments 

And that’s all!

Wasn’t it so simple and easy? As easy as it seems, it will be done in a blink of an eye if you keep all the specified documents updated in-hand for instant soft copy submission. This would surely be a stepping stone for your journey of becoming a self-publishing author. 

Step 2: 

List Your Products:

Once you have registered yourself as an Amazon seller you are all set to head towards listing your products to sell books on Amazon. To display your products on, there is a need for you to list them from your “seller central account” by either one of the below given options:

  1. If the book is already available on Amazon then – 

All you have to do is add a new offer by matching or simply just scan the product or ISBN using the seller app. 

  1. If the book is not listed on Amazon –

Well, now you can create a new listing by filling in all the details and don’t forget to add a product image. 

Step 3:

Deliver to Customer:

Once you have successfully registered yourself as an Amazon seller and listed your products. It’s time to get your books delivered after the orders are placed for your product. You can do this by opting for any one option from the following given below:

  1. Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA)

For this option you will need to send your products to the Amazon Fulfillment Center and rest will be taken care of by them. (Terms and Conditions Applied)

  1. Easy Ship 

If you choose to go forward with this option, you will need to store and pack your products on your own. Whereas, the pick-up and shipping services will be taken care of by Amazon. (Terms and Conditions Applied)

  1.  Self-Ship

You can simply do it all on your own too, by storing, packing and shipping your products on your own. 

Step 4:

Get paid every 7 days:

Here comes the benefit from all the hardships that you will go through in all this process. While on one hand this whole process has been made quite easier by Amazon, still there are some undeniable hardships that make this process hectic for the Amazon sellers. 

But at the end you get your fair share of credits that keeps you motivated throughout the process adding up to recognition that you deserve as an Author! 

So, Amazon pays in a 7-day payment cycle where you get paid for your delivered orders after deducting the Amazon fees. The funds get deposited directly to your bank account with no-hassle. 

Extra benefits through Amazon Kindle Publishing: 

If you think that the storing, packing and delivering process is becoming a lot more hectic than you thought it would be then we have more options by Amazon for you! You can sell books on Amazon Kindle and can earn credits without actually delivering the hard copies of your books. 

You can reach millions of readers just by publishing your book digitally on kindle book publishing. 

You will be away from all the hectic processes of getting the prints of your book, storing it, packing it and then delivering it.

As a matter of fact, amazon direct publishing offers you an impeccable offer of digitally publishing your books and reaching out to millions of readers who enthusiastically sign up and read books efficiently.

Wrapping Up:

If you think that all this hassle is making you step back from entering this beautiful and thrilling world of selling your literary masterpiece, then do not worry we have a way for you! 

You can simply hire a self-publishing company to get all these publishing jobs done for you in a simpler way! 

We, at BFC Publications, get all the jobs done effortlessly for you, while all you have to do is submit your manuscript and the rest will be left up to us!  

To get more info on our publishing process, visit our website and contact us! We will be back with such a new informative blog for you, where we will be telling you about some other exciting platforms and their processes to publish your books easily!

If you found this blog informative enough for you then kindly drop your valuable review in the comment section below. As we believe that every word counts and matters to be able to provide you with the best solutions! 

We will be bringing up such relatable and informative reads for you, till then have a good read of our blog “Write and Publish your book in 5 Simple Steps with BFC Publication” to get an easier way through your self-publishing journey. 

Doodles Future Famous Authors!

Are you also wondering how to sell books on Amazon? If yes, then you are at the right place!  Hey there, Future Famous Authors, Got done with writing..

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One thought on “How to Sell Books on Amazon: A Guide for Authors and Publishers”
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