Book Royalty Calculator

Production Cost(₹)
Recommended Price(₹)
Author's Earning Per Copy:
BFC Publications(₹)
Other Stores(₹)
Note: These Rates are for illustration purpose only. Actual earnings may vary.
Author's Copy - At Subsidised Price :

Authors can procure their books from us at this exclusive price.

The minimum order size for Paperbacks is 20 copies, GST & Delivery Charges excluded.

The minimum order size for Hardcovers is 30 copies, GST & Delivery Charges excluded.

Use our Book Royalty Calculator to determine the per book publishing cost, and decide the MRP of your book. This Author Royalty Calculator recommends the lowest possible MRP, based on the book’s format, the number of pages it has, and its size.

Enter the number of book pages in the left uppermost section of the Royalty Calculator, followed by the book format, paperback or hardcover, and the book size before hitting the calculate tab. Following this, the estimated per book publishing cost and the recommended MRP shall start reflecting on the upper right section of the Book Royalty Calculator.

Right below the recommended MRP is the tab wherein authors can enter their intended MRP to figure out the earnings they shall receive upon the sale of each book.

On the lower left, authors can see the earnings they shall fetch if the book is sold through the BFC Bookstore, and on the right will be the sales proceeds of other stores.


Recommended Price is the lowest MRP at which the self published book can be sold. This is determined after taking into account the printing and distribution cost.

Authors have complete freedom to sell their book at the price they wish to, provided it is over and above the Recommended Price.

Profits are derived after deducting the expense incurred in a book’s production and distribution from the MRP. Profit = MRP- Expense Incurred (Production Cost + Distribution Cost). Authors are entitled to receive 100% of the profit fetched.

Authors are entitled to purchase copies of their books at subsidised prices. The subsidised price is derived after adding the Production Cost of and the applicable Distribution Charges.