Why you should self publish a book in 2023 : Top 4 Reasons Are you still wondering if you should self publish your book, or wait around for a traditional publishing house to pick up your manuscript? Well, your days.. Read More..
Is Chat GPT good for book writing? As a language model developed by OpenAI, Chat GPT has been designed to produce human-like responses to a variety of prompts, including those related to creative writing... Read More..
A complete guide: How to sell and promote self-published books Self-publishing is a great way to get your book out into the world and reach a wider audience. However, it also means that you have to take.. Read More..
Do only traditionally published books become bestsellers? Traditionally published books are those that are published by established publishing houses and released in physical or digital form. The publishing industry has been around for centuries.. Read More..
How to copyright a book? What is copyright? Copyright is a legal phrase that ideally defines the concept that a creator’s original work belongs solely to them and only they have the.. Read More..
Why are book reviews so important? A book review is a kind of a report, summary or opinion of a reader expressed about a book. A book review can be a one-line sentence.. Read More..
Things one should remember before self-publishing a book Every individual with a dream to share or something essential to say writes a book. Writing a book is a significant accomplishment in itself but is entirely.. Read More..
7 Elements one should consider in Storytelling Storytelling is a self-explanatory term that refers to the act of telling a story to the world in the way the storyteller wants to tell it. However,.. Read More..
Traditional Publishing vs Self-Publishing – The Good & The Bad So, you’ve finally completed your book and are now wondering whether to submit it with a publishing agent or get the book printed by a self-publisher. Make sure you read.. Read More..
Fiction Writing 101: The Stages of Writing a Character Growth Arc Show me a great book, and I’ll show you great characters! Would the Game of Thrones be any better without the humour of Tyrion Lannister or Arya.. Read More..