How Should You Deal With Negative Book Reviews? 7 Sep, 2024 9:25 am
Negative Book Reviews

Understanding Negative Book Reviews

As humans, we are socially inclined toward one another because others’ opinions matter to us, no matter how much we say they don’t. This brings us to criticism! Constructive criticism is important because it reveals a lot about us as people—our qualities, flaws, and talents—from other people’s perspectives.

Writing is a profession where you have to face a lot of feedback and criticism as well. While constructive criticism is beneficial, handling criticism is not as easy as it seems.

For starters, we understand how it feels when someone talks badly about your work. You are an ambitious person who enjoys your work. You have poured your heart into a project, and everyone praises you. But wait—there is one bad response and boom—there goes your happiness.

Criticism can be mentally draining when it comes to your skills as a writer. However, it does not determine your abilities at all.

The way you perceive negative reviews can significantly impact your outlook!

Let’s dive in and explore ways to deal with negative reviews. The blog deals with do’s and don’ts scenarios that might help you in the long run as an author.

It’s Not Personal!

It can be daunting to handle a negative review, but remember, it’s not personal. People usually criticize the content or express frustration when the book is not what they expected.

Plus, not everyone can like everything, and everyone has different tastes. People have the right to express their opinions on something. Think about it: do you like everything you eat? No, right? How many times did your mother have to tell you in childhood to finish your food, but you barely touched it?

Online Feedback

The internet is a sensational place—a quick and easy way to spread the word. Online reviews are no less daunting. But remember, you can’t make everyone happy. There is always someone out there who has something negative to say about your work.

Admit and Learn

As humans, we are bound to make mistakes! It’s not bad or weak to admit you made a mistake. Making mistakes is a sign that you are learning and improving.

You can always use negative feedback as an opportunity to work on your shortcomings. Sometimes, others’ perspectives are important for reflecting on our mistakes. Especially as an author, learning can only refine your skills.

Utilize the Critic!

Every publicity is good publicity if it benefits you. While negative reviews can be challenging for an author, especially a beginner, they can create buzz around the book, thanks to the internet. Words spread like wildfire, and you can optimize social media as an online tool to generate opinions about your publication. Social media profiles are effective in book marketing.

E-commerce platforms promote content despite negative reviews. They value the marketing it gets. The reviews might seem critical, but hey, at least your work is getting engagement.

Don’t React!

A negative review, especially the harsh and mean ones, can make you sad or angry. A normal reaction would be to react and call out the person. In the professional arena, it is advisable to just retrace your steps and ignore the negative comments. Sometimes, trolls just act to get a reaction from you! Things could get worse and spiral out of control, and you might end up generating even more attention.

However, if things become too personal or dangerous, don’t hesitate to reach out. It is always a good idea to confide your feelings to trusted ones.

Look for the Bright Side!

While negative reviews might “Troll” over your mood, you can’t ignore positive comments! People will always have different things to say. Some may agree, some may disagree, and others will take the middle ground and be neutral. You have to look at the positive things people say about your work. It feels good to be appreciated for your hard work.

As the saying goes, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Well, a positive review is like an apple for the disease—you have no idea how one positive note can lift your whole mood.

No matter what others say, publishing a book is not easy! Before getting swept away by negative reviews, reflect on your achievements. All the hard work you have put in must be worth it. Keep moving forward in your field, experiment with new ideas, and, most importantly, know your audience.

Knowing your audience might clarify your work’s impact on them. It can connect you with readers on a personal level. A negative review can be hurtful, but it doesn’t mean the end of your writing journey.

Expect Negative Reviews!

Writing a book is a form of art, and art cannot exist without a hint of diplomacy. As an author, you are always getting positive reviews; it means you are too linear in your approach. Negative reviews can be a bad thing; they can mean your work is generating some divided opinions.

A successful writing career cannot exist without a literary enemy. A negative opinion can help you gain insights into your work. Moreover, you can use this to self-reflect on your work and how you see yourself as an author.


So, wrapping things up, you can always ignore bad comments if they bother you too much. However, how you see a negative review largely depends on you. Some of the best-selling and most successful authors have received criticism and have flourished despite it.

In the writing world, authors should refine their work without getting influenced by others. If writing is what you love, do it your way. Remember that reviews are just perspectives of others that don’t match yours.

Please let us know your thoughts on this post by leaving a reply in the comments section. Also, check out our recent post on “Book Marketing Strategies – 6 Secrets For An Author To Boost Sales”

Understanding Negative Book Reviews As humans, we are socially inclined toward one another because others’ opinions matter to us, no matter how much we say they don’t…

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