Which Ebooks Publishing Platforms Offer the Highest Royalties for Authors?

admin@gmail.com 11 Sep, 2024 12:22 pm

Ebooks are booming; there’s no denying it!! Well, it is 2024. Like everything, books are also transforming. Publishing is indeed a thrilling experience, and so is getting the best loyalty in return.

Whether you are a self-published author or are looking forward to stepping into the world of self-publishing, no worries; you have arrived at the right place.

This blog will explore the A to Z about the Ebooks publishing platforms with the best royalty rates!

The world of Ebooks Publishing!

Ebooks are becoming essentials for indie authors, a dramatic shift from traditional publishing to digital form. Ebooks combine technology with language, which is the world of publishing. Where books are easily available for readers, crossing geographical boundaries and making book publishers more reliant and successful. So, we can say Ebooks are the new outlook of the publishing process.

So, How do Book Royalties Work?

Book publishers publish and distribute a book; in exchange for publishing, an author receives a royalty for their book sales. That’s how author royalties work for traditional publishing, but in self-publishing, the author doesn’t rely on the publisher.

Since book royalties are higher for the authors, they own the rights for creative decisions.

So, How much book royalty does an author get per book?

The royalties were calculated based on the number of books sold. The royalty rate varies across publishing platforms, and the format of authors gets the royalty payments on book sales based on their retail prices.

For example,

  • The retail price of your paperback is  ₹1,600.
  • According to the publishing contract, you will receive a royalty percentage of 5%.
  • You will earn ₹80 on every book you sell.
  • If you sell 1 million copies, it means you will receive ₹80 million as a royalty payment.

Ebooks have higher royalty rates as compared to other formats. You can generally expect an average around 20–25% royalty rate on Ebooks publishing.

However, there are numerous Ebooks publishing platforms to choose from. It’s best to know about all of them before launching your career.

Top Ebooks Publishing Platforms!

Ebooks Publishing Platforms

Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)

Amazon KDP is one of the most popular choices of authors for self-publishing. Kindle offers 70% royalty rates on book sales. As an author you can directly publish your book on Amazon, reaching millions of audiences worldwide.

With KDP authors have total autonomy over their work and gain high royalty payments. Kindle is a free Ebooks publishing platform and easy to use for readers. Plus, you can generate extra income on features like KDP select which allows additional benefits to the users. 

However, KDP Select places some restrictions on sharing more than 10% of their work, anywhere else. Due to the competitive market users have to avail KDP selects for exclusive benefits.

Apple books

Apple books is a strong platform for Ebooks publishing, with a vast iOS user base worldwide. They also offer 70% publishing royalties on book sales.

You can directly publish your book on the platform which offers extensive features like fancy interface and digital narration. They have easy-to-use tools with editable drafts for authors. Most importantly it is integrated within iOS devices so readers can easily access Ebooks through iPhones, MacBooks and iPads.

“Well, luxury brings limitations!”

Apple’s privacy features have some limitations for users. So, a major problem with using Apple Books is that an author needs an Apple ID and a device to use the Ebooks platform for book publishing.

Google Play Books

Google Play Books is another leading free Ebooks publishing platform with a huge audience base worldwide. The author gets 70% of the royalty payment on every book sold.

Google Play Books has global reach with Android users, and it is well integrated within the Google interface. Google, with its huge server, can help authors optimize their work by ranking it higher on search engines. 

Additionally, Google Analytics is a tool to track your orders and revenues on Google Play Books.


Smashwords is an Ebooks publishing platform, which has a 70% royalty rate on book sales.

Smashwords also publishes and distributes books to numerous major retailers, further increasing the brand awareness of authors. Smashwords promising marketing tools offer higher audience reach. Plus, it converts manuscripts into Ebooks formats, making the publishing process easy for authors.

However, Smashwords does not distribute to Amazon. Its outdated layout and interface can give an off putting reading experience.

Few things to remember!

Choosing a publishing house is like driving on the road to reach a destination. So it matters which route you take for your journey. For a successful career, author royalties could make huge differences. So, look beyond for factors other than royalty rate when choosing a publishing platform, like


How easy and simple is the interface of the platform? The easier it is, the easier it will be to navigate.


Services like marketing strategy, editing, and promotions are good for brand awareness and recognition.

Publishing can be exciting to explore, especially Ebooks acting as milestones for authors. Just keep a few things in mind, and you’re good to go!

Please let us know your thoughts on this post by leaving a reply in the comments section. Also, check out our recent post on “Building Your Author Brand: A Comprehensive Guide”

“Ebooks are booming; there’s no denying it!! Well, it is 2024. Like everything, books are also transforming. Publishing is indeed a thrilling experience, and so is getting..

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