How to write an eBook and make money in India 1 Nov, 2021 9:24 am

Writing an eBook can be a great way to raise some passive income. Despite this, many people get stuck at the first, most basic step. They know they want to write a book, but don’t have the slightest idea on how to proceed. We think, with the following strategy you can write an eBook and make money in India:


BFC Publications Ebook


Choose a topic

You don’t need to worry about selling your ebook if you have written it just for creative satisfaction. However, if you want people to read it, you will have to identify a niche or topic that people actively follow and want to read about. The book should solve a problem that is common among your readers if it is non-fiction. Fiction books, on the other hand, should be from a trending genre and must have an engaging plot.

Create an outline

A good book is one which conveys the author’s thoughts clearly, through a well-organized and structured narrative. If it is a fiction you’re writing, you need to make a rough outline of the plot, and the sub-plots, if any. Also, all characters, their story arcs, and motivations need to be outlined in advance. In case of non-fiction, the author shall need to outline the objective the book aims to achieve, and the problems it shall resolve. Everything, from the introduction to the conclusion, should be planned and placed in the manuscript in chronological order. A planned narrative can go a long way in writing a good eBook and making money in India by selling it.

Write the first draft

Now that you’re done planning and outlining the manuscript, you can proceed to pen the first draft of the book. The biggest mistake new writers make is indulging in fancy wordplay. This, instead of impressing the reader, makes the content hard to comprehend. Make sure that the language used in your eBook is simple, so it can be read and understood by the masses with ease.

Get the eBook proofread, edited & formatted

Once you are done writing the eBook, you can proceed to get it to proofread, edited & formatted. Authors, usually, get too attached with their books for obvious reasons, and therefore may not find much fault in the content. This is why it is advisable to get the manuscript edited and proofread professionally. If you cannot get hold of a professional, you can ask your publisher to arrange one for you, which brings us to the next point of discussion i.e. the book cover.

Pay attention to the cover

A well-done book cover goes a long way in selling books. Yes, this contradicts the old saying about “Not judging books on covers,” but like it or not, covers are an effective marketing tool in this age of trending tweets and viral hashtags. An eye-catching cover grabs readers’ attention and pulls them to check your book out, or even buy it.

Targeted Marketing

An author’s work is only half done after writing the eBook and getting it self-published. If you are writing an eBook for making money, you need to make sure that it reaches the reader. Long story short, just getting the book listed on eBook platforms won’t get the job done. To ensure that your book is bought in good numbers, you will have to leverage all the tools at your disposal, from blogging about it to organizing giveaways and getting the book reviewed. All this, however, needs to be done with the intent of targeting the audience that is interested in the kind of work you’ve done. For instance, if your book is about self-improvement, you will have to reach out to those who blog about self-improvement, and so on.

To know more about writing a good eBook and making money from it, read our previous post on Marketing a Self-published Book. Also, please let us know your thoughts about this post by leaving a reply in the comments section below. You can also reach out to us by visiting the Contact Us section of our website.


Writing an eBook can be a great way to raise some passive income. Despite this, many people get stuck at the first, most basic step. They know..

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