How Much Does It Cost To Self Publishing a Book in India? 5 Oct, 2021 11:26 am

The Cost Of Self-Publishing Book In India

Cost of self book publishing in india

Hey, Bookworms!

You are probably trying to figure out how much self publishing your literary masterpiece is going to cost you. Lucky for you, we’ve done the research needed to answer this question. So, let’s dive in without delay and find out how much does it cost to self publish a book in India?

Surprise! Self-publishing in India Is Not That Expensive

Yup, you read that right. Publishing a book can be managed at reasonable prices, provided you and your publisher know what needs to be done. See, publishing is as straightforward as a B2B transaction, simply because both you and your publisher are looking to book a profit. You, the author of the book, are in this for the long haul and therefore are putting in the work needed to dole out a quality literary product that has the potential to snowball into a revenue-generating avenue in the form of royalties or even movie deals.

Your publisher, on the other hand, is being paid for putting your book out there, that too as a quality, competent piece of literature. The trick here is to look for a self-publisher who is not trying to rush you into opting for a one-size-fits-all plan and instead is offering quality services at reasonable prices.

Self Publishing Packages in India

Most self-publishing companies have a tiered pricing system, wherein the price of self-publishing a book depends on the underlying services and their extent.  The format of the book, paperback or eBook; the number of pages in it; and the number of revisits and revisions the publishing team needs to put in, are some factors that can pull down or even nudge the publishing price.

Our Self Publishing Packages

Based on the extent and scope of the underlying services, the self-publishing packages offered by BFC Publications are categorised as Essential, Regular, Superior, Premium and Elite. Let’s dig deeper to better understand the underlying differences.

Note: The packages listed below are for paperback publishing. Please access BFC Publications’ website to browse for eBook publishing services in India.


This entry-level package is priced at Rs. 5,499 excluding GST, and offers all the essential services needed for self-publishing a quality book, ISBN allocation, online listing services, and format and proof editing included.


Priced at Rs. 11,950 plus GST, this self-publishing package also offers the essentials of publishing, and then some, including professionally done book covers, a revisit by the editing team, if need be, and basic marketing support.


Given the scope of services offered, this book publishing package is most reasonably priced at a very affordable Rs. 18,950, GST excluded. Quality format editing and cover designing ensure that the final product is to your utmost satisfaction. Also, for the sake of ensuring appropriate reach, marketing campaigns are carried through all relevant mediums, including email and WhatsApp.


The aesthetics and inclusions of your book are revisited and revised, if need be, to ensure that all its aspects match your vision. At a mere Rs. 38,950 plus GST, the Premium Package promises to deliver a book that offers quality marketability. Also, elaborate marketing gimmicks are deployed to push the visibility of your book on social media, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram included. Besides this, email, SMS and WhatsApp marketing campaigns are implemented so that your book can grab more eyeballs.


Look no further if you are looking to give your book the treatment a masterpiece deserves. Best-in-class proofreading, format editing, and cover designing services ensure that your book stands out in the competition, that too in just Rs. 58,950, GST excluded. No stone is left unturned to give your self-published book the biggest possible showcase and invoke reader interest. Elaborate marketing campaigns are deployed through relevant social media platforms, email and Whatsapp; video teasers of your book are created for sharing on YouTube; Digital Releases are made public; and ad campaigns are run on Amazon, the whole works.

To know more about self-publishing in India and the various packages we offer, be it eBook publishing services or paperback, please visit our website.

The Cost Of Self-Publishing Book In India Hey, Bookworms! You are probably trying to figure out how much self publishing your literary masterpiece is going to cost..

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