




BFC Publications stands out as a leading eBook publisher in India for several compelling reasons. First of all, our commitment to quality is unmatched, ensuring that authors get the kind of service they deserve. Also, unlike some market players, we prioritise transparency by providing clear and concise publishing contracts, making it easy for authors to understand the terms of engagement. Additionally, our team goes above and beyond to exceed author expectations, delivering exceptional results at prices that even top publishing houses struggle to match.

  • Intellectual Rights: Safeguard the intellectual rights of your work by entering into a contract with BFC publications. This also makes sure that the agreed terms of publishing your work are inked in black and white, and there is no dilly dallying on our part.
  • Profit Sharing :We make sure that you don’t have to share the spoils when it comes to the profits made through the sale of your book. Authors are entitled to receive almost every penny earned through sales proceeds.
  • Marketing Support :No stone is left unturned to magnify your book’s digital footprint, by putting into action, extensively researched digital marketing gimmicks.
  • Book Interior & Cover : Our team of format editors, illustrators, and graphic designers make sure that the final output is top-notch and the author's vision is interpreted in the best way possible, be it the page layout, its margins, or the cover.